t: 07542 924 592 / e: info@countrypursuitimages.co.uk
Country Pursuit Images

Recent Events

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luct thornton-le-dale gala,26-5-2024
thornton-le-dale gala,class 25,ridden cob
thornton-le-dale gala,class 25 ridden cob,26-5-2024
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thornton-le-dale,gala,class young stock,--
thornton-le-dale gala,class 2 coloured shetland,--
thornton-le-dale gala,class 2 coloured shetland,--26-5-2024
thornton-le-dale gala,class 3-coloured horse & pon
thornton-le-dale gala,class 3-coloured horse & pony in-hand,26-5-2024

About us

I have always had a love of photography and outdoor pursuits and am now able to work with the two.

My wife's love and experience of the equestrian world takes me to show jumping events, cross country and dressage. I am also available for yard and home visits if anyone would like the personal touch, so your horse or pony can be captured in its own surroundings.

Dog portraits and small animals are also a speciality. Whether taken at home or in your pets favorite location.

I am also avaialble for portraits. I have equipment for home visits including a number of backdrops, providing there is adequate room available for use.